ALLT SMÖR I SMÅLAND Design Galleriet Stockholm 2016 (English below)
Allt Smör i Småland var ett samarbete med träformgivare och designer Carl-Oscar Karlsson, kulturjournalisten och DIY-aren Camilla Carnmo och craftist Markus Emilsson. Det var ett projekt där vi lyssnade till material, tradition och känslan av en plats. I arbetsprocessen pratade vi med varandra och andra smålänningar om upplevelsen av södra Smålands inland och om vad det småländska smöret egentligen är. Samtalen kretsar kring skog, mörker, sten och dålig täckning. Det talades om lugnet, glesbygden och den växande staden i skogen och om känslan av att få plats och att få vara någon. Resultatet visades på DesignGalleriet i Stockholm. I utställningen fick reflektionerna kring en hemvist form i ett möte mellan plast, trä, glas och text.
ALLT SMÖR I SMÅLAND Design Galleriet Stockholm 2016
Inte för allt Smör i Småland, "not for all the butter in Småland", is an old proverb that can be translated to the english saying Not for all the tea in China. Butter, a symbol of wealth, richness in the old agricultural society, the good stuff so to say. Ironically the southern inland of Småland is renown for its pore soil and stoney landscape wish historically have made life painfully pore for the people living in the region. It seams to be a rathe contradictionar saying and one can wonder what the "butter of Småland" really is?
Allt Smör i Småland was a collaboration between artist and designer Carl-Oscar Karlsson, cultural journalist and DIY artist Camilla Carnmo and craftist Markus Emilsson. It was a project where we listened to materials, traditions and the notions surrounding Småland. In the work process we talked to people related to the region about their experience of southern Småland inland and what they thought was "the Butter" of Småland. The conversations revolve around forest, darkness, rocks and poor mobile coverage. They talked about an sparsely populated area, the tranquility of nature, an expanding city in the forest and about the experience of being aloud to be somebody! In the exhibition, that was shown at the Design Gallery in Stockholm, our reflections and conversations took shape in a meeting between plastic, wood, glass and text.